Thursday, July 8, 2010

Liar or Moron?

I posted the following reply to a woman who made some rather absurd claims about atheists:

I'm a Christian and I found your flat out lies about atheists to be disgusting and an embarrassment to Christendom.

"Please don’t stand for the all atheist in the world, you don’t know every nature they have. Luckily I had a bump in roads with those silliest atheist that’s why I’m stating this fact in my article and in my vid."

So, you're making fun of one specific person and extrapolating their beliefs to ALL theists?

That's no different than claiming Fred Phelps is representative of all Christians or the 9/11 bombers are representative of all Muslims. You're cherry picking a specific individual who doesn't even represent the mainstream of atheist thought.

"Sadly but most of them are rly practicing this silliness."

That's a flat out lie. Did you not read the passage that tells us not to bear false witness against our neighbors?

"I’m pretty sure that you also had an encounter with this kind as well. but you just disregard that without paying any attention into it."

I've never met an atheist who believed in Satan.

The more I read of your comments the more I suspect you're NOT a Christian, but someone who is out to make Christians look ignorant and stupid. The flat out lies you're telling are too absurd to be written off as mere ignorance on your part.

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