Friday, November 18, 2011

Keith Ward covered up a murder

Theologian Keith Ward has confessed to helping cover up a murder.

Theologian Keith Ward saw his father kill a man.

my father worked as a double-agent for MI6 and the KGB during the “Cold War”. He told me this on his death-bed, in view of the fact that I had once seen him kill a man. The Section of which he was a member was disbanded and all record of it expunged, and all those who knew that he was a member of it had long since died. This is certainly a factual claim. If true, he certainly knew that it was true. I reasonably believe that it is true. But there is absolutely no way of empirically verifying or falsifying it. QED.

He doesn't say how much time elapsed between witnessing the murder and the alleged death bed confession. How long did he conceal the murder before getting this "explanation?" Why in God's name should we trust a man who gleefully helps his father conceal a murder with no apparent explanation, keeping the secret until his father has passed away and offered an evidence free, hand waving excuse of "Oh, I was in the MI6, so it's OK."

Ward offers no evidence that his father actually worked for the MI6, The complete lack of evidence beyond his father's word is the POINT of the haphazard philosophical point he's trying to make in the linked content.

Under the law, helping a murderer cover up a murder makes you culpable.

Whose murder is Keith Ward keeping secret? Was an innocent man accused, imprisoned or executed for the crime? Keith Ward must put a very low value on human life if he considers his father committing murder to be nothing more than fodder for a philosophical debate.

Of course, we have only Ward's word that the murder and the deathbed confession happened in the first place. Is Ward basing his argument son a chain of lies, or did he really confess to helping his father literally get away with murder?

Penn State students are morons



Even the old Penn State mascot knows something is wrong.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Penn State is messed up

Penn State is where the students riot to DEFEND pedophilia

It seems Penn State students think it's OK to rape kids as long as you win football games.

So much for the idealism of youth.

I wonder how many of the pedophiles behind bars went to Penn State. That would be an interesting study.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Is Yahoo spamming your facebook wall with links to the articles you've read?

Yahoo recently rolled out a bit of malware that spams your Facebook wall with every damn story you read on yahoo news. If it were a Russian hacker pulling this stunt law enforcement would get involved, but because it's Yahoo you just get to be annoyed. You can't even disable this spam for within the Facebook interface. Like all malware vendors, Yahoo has tried to obfuscate how to remove their garbage.

Here's how to turn it the hell off.

  1. Log into Facebook.
  2. Go to
  3. Look at the right hand edge of the page. You'll see a section titled "You on Yahoo News". If you don't see it go back to Facebook and follow one of the spam links the bastard posted to your wall.
  4. Click the arrow next to "Social" and set your status to "Off."
  5. Click the arrow next to "Your Activity" and delete all of the articles that show up in the listing.
  6. Click on "Options" and select "Remove this Experience."
  7. The whiny little b**ch will ask you to confirm that you want to remove it. Click "Remove" again.
  8. Next, use a text editor to open C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ETC\hosts
  9. Add the following line to the bottom of the file and save the changes:
Repeat those last two steps on every Windows computer you encounter.
Finally, the next time you click a link to a news story on Facebook, and you get told that you need to allow the web site hosting the story some kind of access to your Facebook profile to continue, close the page and move on with life.