Monday, April 30, 2007

Lunch, Mostly Leftovers

Let's see, I've got some of the chicken and rice dish, mixed with some Stop & Shop meatballs, and I munched on the last of the leftover grilled steak from last week.

All told, the chicken ended up a bit tough, having been grilled, then cooked with the rice and finally microwaved, with a day or two of refrigeration between cooking stages, but the rest of it came out nicely.

I've also got the last of the Asian "Jelly" snacks, Apple flavor this time. Some more licorice and some Ginger Chews round out my snacking for the rest of the day.

To drink, unsweetened tea, and some Poland Spring orange flavored seltzer.

All told, a lot of meat, some starches, and no vegetables other than some corn. (Despite what the Reagan Administration said, Tomato sauce is NOT a vegetable.)

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